Things I Wish I'd Known - North West 3rd Thursday Social

 Registration is closed for this event
Free networking social events on the 3rd Thursday of each month

Join us for our free monthly '3rd Thursday Social' networking events for a chance to network with likeminded people, socialise over a cuppa/glass of wine (your choice) and hear from a different special guest superwoman each month who will share their experience of what they wish they’d known.


This North West series of events is organised by the NAWIC North West committee but being as it is currently virtual, anyone from any region is welcome to attend. Once we are allowed, we will alternate between virtual and ‘in person’ events.


This event is open to all - NAWIC members, non-members and people of any gender who are interested in learning from and supporting women in construction.


Remember to get in touch if you would like to nominate yourself or someone else as a special guest superwoman!

June 17th, 2021 from  5:15 PM to  6:00 PM
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