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    Join NAWIC

    Become a NAWIC member to access free and discounted events across the country

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    Volunteer with NAWIC

    Find out about current National and Regional Committee vacancies, as well as the benefits of volunteering with NAWIC and how to apply

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    NAWIC Membership Benefits

    Read about the benefits of NAWIC membership for you and your business or employer, such as priority booking for site visits and other events

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    NAWIC Newsletters

    Subscribe to our national or regional newsletters to receive the latest NAWIC news straight to your mailbox, including information about upcoming events such as this Powerful Voice workshop for International Women's Day

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NAWIC is an international not-for-profit association dedicated to the advancement of women in the construction industry.

Our aim is to support women in construction through their careers, to celebrate and platform their accomplishments, to make a lasting positive impact on the construction industry, and to inspire the next generation of women into construction related roles.

We organise site visits, networking events, socials, topical industry seminars, workshops for personal development, business know-how and more, all of which provide opportunities for our members and allies to meet other construction professionals in a formalised yet relaxed and friendly environment.

Join NAWIC today to start enjoying the benefits of NAWIC membership!


NAWIC NE First Thursday Catch Up

Join NAWIC NE at our informal networking session, everyone is welcome.

NAWIC NE Neurodiversity by Nicola Jayne Little

Join us for a Masterclass about Neurodiversity and embracing our unique brains! This event is kindly sponsored by Forbo Flooring.

NAWIC NE End of Summer Event with Smartworks

Join NAWIC NE at our informal networking session to celebrate the end of Summer, everyone is welcome - you will need to sign up, which will be available soon!