Unleash Your Inner Powerwoman

Webinar with renowned life coach and thought leader, Harriet Waley-Cohen

Unleash Your Inner Powerwoman, as part of NAWIC's virtual programme of mental health and wellbeing events.

This event is open to all - NAWIC members, non-members and people of any gender, .

Please register through Harriet's own events registration page at https://self-love-sass-with-harriet-waley-cohen.mykajabi.com/unleash-your-inner-powerwoman


About the event:

"In this webinar, the five most common ways in which women can unconsciously sabotage themselves will be explained. Action steps will be presented for how to shift away from these patterns, and instead become fully empowered.

It's time to Unleash Your Inner Power Woman and lead in the way you want to, in the arena you want to lead in. The results will be greater confidence, greater wellbeing and greater success. What’s not to love?

The focus will be on:

  • Learning five core principles that will empower you to step into being the most successful, powerful woman you can be, with grace, ease and conviction in yourself.
  •  Uncovering the essential foundations to put in place that will set you up to show up as the most confident and energised version of yourself. 
  • Understanding how to acknowledge and then play to your strengths, so that you can serve in your career and personal life at your highest potential. 
  • The power of collaboration, and of giving and receiving mentoring and support. 
  • How to reframe your perceived  imperfections to boost confidence, self-belief and success."


About Harriet Waley-Cohen

"Hunted down to speak for audiences including Microsoft, Barclays and Invesco, Harriet has empowered thousands of people over the last 17 years to believe in themselves and their potential.

She has been through multiple transformations herself and knows what it takes to make deep rooted changes that stick, and to get through tough times and emerge and wiser. Harriet is 18 years in recovery from addictions, left an unhappy marriage and went on to thrive, shifted from a 10-year banking career into motherhood and entrepreneurship, lives with a permanent pain condition after being driven into on the motorway, and is a breast cancer survivor.

Harriet's mission is to make sure people know their true value. She empowers clients and audiences to leave behind self-doubt, sabotaging patterns and overwhelm in favour of new ways of thinking, feeling and acting that create confidence, wellbeing and success. Vanessa Vallely OBE, MD of WeAreThe City describes Harriet as ‘a real superwoman who empowers others wherever she goes.’ "

February 25th, 2021 from 12:30 PM to  1:30 PM
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